We believe that an effective addiction treatment plan must help individuals rid their drug of choice from their mind, body, and spirit. Here at Salvations Drug Addiction Treatment, we offer treatment plans that are customized to meet your needs. In order to rid your body of the toxic chemicals left over from your addiction, you will complete a managed detoxification.

At each of our drug rehab center locations, we provide around the clock supervision during the detox process. This allows us to provide our clients with the best possible chance at overcoming their addiction.


By providing a safe and secure environment, clients can rest assured that they will not have to deal with temptation or pressure from outside sources to use. In the event that withdrawal symptoms begin to become hazardous, our staff is standing by to ensure that requisite assistance is swiftly received. The experienced professionals are prepared to offer emotional support as well during this difficult process, whether that involves offering advice or simply lending an ear and listening to your concerns.
Once detox has been completed, you’ll begin the next phase of recovery, which will involve a customized treatment plan to meet your personal needs and unique situation. With a wide variety of therapeutic strategies available, we’ll formulate a treatment plan that will work for you. You will work closely with our clinical staff to uncover underlying issues and triggers that may have pushed you to use again.